Company profile














“”MEGA PROFIT HONG KONG INVESTMENT LIMITED" A company registered and incorporated in Hong Kong on September 2006.It is Headquartered in the Hong Kong International Financial Centre.The company was set up for the acquisition and sale ofInternational Bank Guarantees,Standby Letters of Credit SBLC, Promissory Notes,Medium term notes,MTN,Bonds,Private Equity and Hedge Funds.The company prospectus also includes the acquisition of equity,corporate loans,Project Investment and Financing.

The Company has much experience and a wealth of knowledge through it's Principals in International Capital Market Operations.It has gathered together a group of professional financiers who together with other financial and legal experts will ensure the ethical financial and legal operation of the company.The strength of the company hinges on its ethics and integrity to ensure excellent business cooperation between itself and other banks and consortia such that good business relations are always maintained and economic benefits are achieved"

"The Company has already established Global Strategic Alliances in Europe,Asia and Regional China with companies who adhere to the  philosophy of ethics and integrity together with the overall goal of mutual benefit and development so everyone wins.The Company wishes to expand trade and project financing and envisages maximum cooperation between all parties allied to considerable economic benefits.As the Company grows,then the ability to finance projects will grow also so that our clients do not have to rely on borrowing money at high rates.